DENVER – The Colorado Healing Fund (CHF) today announced the disbursement of an additional $811,400 in donations received for the benefit of victims of the November 2022 Club Q shooting in Colorado Springs, $761,400 of which will be paid out to victims in lump-sum cash distributions. An additional $50,000 in donations will be disbursed to cover current, specific victim assistance requests previously identified by advocates. Following this release of funds, CHF will have disbursed nearly $2.9 million to victims through its community partners, and it has reserved approximately $300,000 to support long-term needs of victims.
The disbursement of the additional $811,400 in funds is in accordance with the CHF’s model that is designed to address the short-term, intermediate and long-term needs of victims. This model was created by more than 20 of Colorado’s leading experts in the area of incident response who evaluated numerous responses ranging from 9/11 to the Virginia Tech shootings to the Boston Marathon bombing to identify best practices reflected in the CHF’s policies.
The funds will be distributed through CHF’s community partners to the victims’ families, survivors, and those immediately impacted. CHF will work with their community partners to determine the timeline to facilitate the lump-sum cash distribution to individuals. CHF also is working with state and local organizations to continue support for the victims.
“We would like to thank our community partners and donors for their support as we identify how to best disburse funds to balance the short-term and long-term needs of the community,” said Steven R. Siegel, a CHF board member. “With the one-year memorial just five months away, we are acutely aware that additional trauma will surface, and we stand ready to support recovery.”
Additional Financial Details – Colorado Healing Fund’s Club Q Response
- $3,204,000 – Approximate amount of donations collected for victims to date.
- $2,093,000 – Amount of donations that had been previously distributed to support victims prior to today.
- $761,400 – Additional funds that CHF is disbursing to community partners for lump-sum cash payments to victims.
- $50,000 – Additional funds that CHF is disbursing for current, specific requests from victims requiring assistance as previously identified by advocates.
- $2,906,400 – Total amount of donations that CHF will have disbursed to support victims.
- $300,000 – Approximate amount of donations collected that CHF is holding in reserve to address the intermediate and long-term needs of victims.
- 100% – Amount of funds collected for victims of the Club Q shooting that CHF will disburse for victims.
Contact: Jordan Finegan, 720-235-8638, jordanfinegan@